November 21, 2023

  1. Chairman Bart Lee conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Bart Lee on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 7:00 P.M. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Dickinson.



Bart Lee

Gordon Dickinson

Ryan Johnson

Paula Roberts

Greg Northrup-Excused


  • Approval of previous meeting minutes held October 17, 2023.

Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to accept the minutes with the stated corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

  • Citizens’ comments.

No citizens were present.

  • Consider lot line adjustment located at 335 South 300 West. Submitted by Javalan Redd.

Javalan is here tonight seeking permission to move forward with getting a survey done on the property he has purchased at 335 South 300 West. He has been to a couple of planning commission meetings and is finally ready to submit his lot line adjustments to be surveyed and recorded. After reviewing the proposed plat map with the new line adjustments everything looked in order to move forward with getting the survey done. Once Javalan has his survey done, he will need to come back to the planning commission to have them review the final plat before it heads to city council. No motion was needed on this item of business.

  • Conditional Use License “The Peterson Patch” located at 222 South Mountain View Lane. Submitted by Emilie Peterson.  

Emilie would like to have a little farm/produce stand in front of her home. She will only be open 3 days a week. Her neighbors are all ok with her having the stand in front of her home. She would be selling herbs, fruits, vegetables, and eggs. She will close at 6 p.m. Commissioner Roberts asked if she will be manning the stand herself and Emilie said that it is all self-serve, on your honor system. Customers can either Venmo or pay cash in her stand for what they would like. Commissioner Roberts asked how many months out of the year she would be running it? Emilie stated 12 months out of the year but again it will only be open 3 days a week, which will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday with rotating hours depending on the time of the year, but it would still close by 6 p.m. She also stated she has plenty of room for customers to pull up and park and grab their goods. There shouldn’t be any issues with traffic coming up and down her street and where it is self-serve, parking would be very minimal. Cars would be parked for just enough time to pick up the customer’s item and pay and then be on their way. No other questions or comments were made.

Commissioner Roberts made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council for “the Peterson Patch” seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

6.         Oversized shop/garage exceeding 1,400 square feet located at 57 North 300 West. Submitted by Justin Starr.

Justin is not here tonight but his plans and building permit are before the commissioners to review. One question Commissioner Dickinson asked is if he is going to be conducting a business out of the shop, which he is not. His shop will be for personal storage and other personal uses only. No bathroom facilities will be run to the shop nor any living quarters. No other questions or comments were made.

Commissioner Johnson made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council for the oversized shop/garage submitted by Justin Starr. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

  • Subdivision Amendment to “D.A.M. Subdivision” submitted by Christine Nielson.

Christine is here tonight seeking final approval to the “D.A.M. Subdivision.” She has made the few recommended changes from the planning commission and Sevier County’s office and has given the required road easement in the subdivision. All lots are now legal size and meet all of Monroe City’s land use requirements to be recorded as a legal subdivision. After reviewing the submitted plat map the commissioners had no other questions or comments for Christine. 

Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to recommend final approval to the Monroe City Council for the subdivision amendment of “D.A.M. Subdivision.” Seconded by Commissioner Johnson.  All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

  • Consider property line adjustment located at 306 North 430 East. Submitted by Lindsay Kidder.

The Kidder’s are not here tonight but after reviewing what they are wanting to do, the discussion has been to either allow them to have a lot-tie agreement with their two parcels or make them do a new survey and have them do two new parcels with the new lot lines. The commissioners moved forward with the lot tie agreement but with the condition that when the Kidders decide to build their home, it must be located on top of the property lines combining lot 9&10 or a building permit will not be issued. The reason for adding this condition is for the side yards to still have their required set back and an illegal lot will not be created down the road.  

Commissioner Roberts made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council to allow the two parcels to be in a lot tie agreement with the condition that lots 9& 10 be tied together with the house to be built on or over the property line or no building permit will be issued. Seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

  • Consider signage for Gray Stone Reception Hall located at 20 West 100 North. Submitted by Michael Shaver.

Mike and Mason Shaver are here tonight seeking approval to have a sign for their new business placed in the city right of way. Commissioner Lee does not want the sign to be in the right of way due to the fact it could be a visual hazard for those driving down the road. The location the Shaver’s are proposing placing the sign would also be sitting off a UDOT highway, Commissioner Lee would like the Shaver’s to contact UDOT to see what their required setbacks and regulations are with placing a sign. The Shaver’s have a couple of different options they can do with their sign, but they would like to be able to place it in the right of way so that it does not sit close to the highway or cause any other sight concerns. The Shaver’s would like to meet with UDOT, and Monroe City’s Public Works Director to figure out the best way to place their sign. Commissioner Lee agreed it would be best for everyone to meet together and work out where to place the sign, how large the sign can be and appropriate setbacks for the sign. The Shaver’s will set up that appointment with both UDOT and Monroe City’s Public Work’s Director and then move forward with the appropriate steps.  No other questions or comments were made.  No motion was made.

10.       Adjournment.

Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to adjourn at 7:46 P.M seconded by Commissioner Roberts.  All were in favor. Meeting adjourned.

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