MAY 16TH, 2023

1.         Chairman Bart Lee conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Bart Lee on May 16, 2023, at 7:00p.m. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Roberts.



Bart Lee

Gordon Dickinson-excused.

Ryan Johnson

Paula Roberts

Greg Northrup


Regan Childs

John Brownhead

2.         Approval of previous meeting minutes held March 23rd, 2023.

Commissioner Johnson made a motion to accept the minutes with the stated corrections.  Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

3.         Citizens’ comments.

No citizens were present.

4.         Conditional Use License “Child’s Daycare” located at 447 East 580 South. Submitted by Regan Allred Childs.

Regan would like to open a daycare to be able to stay home with her children. She knows there is a need for daycare in Monroe and she feels like this is a way she can help the community. Commissioner Lee asked her how many children she would like to have. She currently has four children but could have up to eight by herself. Commissioner Roberts asked if she was going to get state certified, which Regan replied that she is. The first step in getting state certified is getting a business license from her city. Commissioner Lee asked about parking and Regan informed the commissioners that she has 3 entrances/exits for traffic to come to and from but she would just be a drop off daycare no cars would stay parked.  Commissioner Roberts reiterated that there is a need for childcare in our community. Commissioner Lee said that he feels everything is in order to move forward with the license.

Commissioner Roberts made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council for “Child’s Daycare.” Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

5.         Minor subdivision concept plan located at approximately 195 East 200 North. Submitted by Tim Adams.

John Brownwood is here on behalf of Tim Adams. Tim Adams is splitting his property and selling part of it to John Brownwood. He is also thinking about selling part of his property to another neighbor but that would be sometime down the road. Commissioner Lee asked about the multiple sheds on the property and where they sit with the proposed split? John informed him that they have moved those sheds and they are no longer on the property line. Commissioner Lee also asked about the garage that sits on the same property as the house, what the setbacks are for that? Mr. Brownwood said there’s around 25’ from that property line to the garage, which gives the garage the required space it needs to stay where it is. John told the commissioners that that both Tim and him would need to have irrigation risers installed on the new parcels.  Commissioner Lee noted that there are frost free taps all over the property so there are water lines that run all through the property. John showed the commissioners on his plat map where he is proposing to build his home. Commissioner Lee stated that the lots have enough square footage to be legal lots and if there are no buildings on property lines that everything seems good to go to be able to legally split the lot.  Commissioner Lee asked John to draw his proposed home and garage on the map with their setbacks and dimensions and bring that in for the city council meeting. No other questions or comments were made. A motion was not needed for this item of business.

6.         Subdivision Amendment to “D.A.M. Subdivision” submitted by Christine Nielson

No one was present to represent the item of business. Commissioner Lee tabled the item.

7.         Adjournment.

Commissioner Roberts made a motion to adjourn at 7:24p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned.

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