January 17th, 2023

  1. Chairman Bart Lee conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Bart Lee on January 17, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Opening prayer was offered by Commission Dickinson.



Bart Lee

Gordon Dickinson

Ryan Johnson

Paula Roberts

Greg Northrup


Mike Shaver

Yvonne Shaver

Mike Ginsburg

  • Approval of previous meeting minutes held December 20th, 2022.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to accept the minutes with the stated corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

  • Citizens comments.

Mike and Yvonne Shaver have met with the Sevier County Health department and have a letter of approval for their proposed septic tank design for the property they are interested in buying located at 20 W 100 N Monroe. They met with Jason Bagley at the Sevier County Health Department, and he had the same concern as Commissioner Lee about the septic system for two parcels being shared on one lot. Commissioner Lee asked if they were going to want to combine the parcels. Yvonne said “yes”, that is what they are wanting to do moving forward. She asked if they would need to come back to planning commission before they record the combining the two lots? Commissioner Lee informed her where they are not in a subdivision, not moving property lines or changing anything about the parcels themselves, just combining, they could record it with the county without coming back to planning commission. Commissioner Lee did request that they bring in their proposed combination for the city to review but that was not mandatory. Mike nor Yvonne had any other questions for the commissioners.  

  • Welcome new chairman and select chair and vice chair for 2023.  

Ryan Johnson has agreed to join the Monroe City Planning and Zoning Commission. He will be replacing Commissioner Bill Mecham. His term will last for the years 2023-2027. Commissioner Johnson is excited to be a part of the Monroe City Planning Commission and is looking forward to learning new things and being involved in the city.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to select Commissioner Lee as Planning Chairman for the year 2023. Seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

 Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to select Commissioner Northrup as Vice Chair for the year 2023. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

  • Conditional Use License “Mels Lashes & Nails” located at approximately 458 W 300 N. Submitted by Melanie Allen.

Melanie Allen is not at the meeting tonight, but she has a detailed letter about what she is proposing to do. Melanie held a license with Monroe City before she moved away and is reapplying at a new address. She will be doing eyelash extensions and nails out of her home. She is renting the home, but her landlord has a written letter of approval for her to conduct her business from her home. She has all her state licensing and plenty of parking space for clients.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council with the conditions she keeps all state licenses current, and parking does not become an issue. Seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

  • Mystic Hot Springs geothermania cabin rentals. Located at approximately 475 E 100 N. Submitted by Mike Ginsburg.

Mike is here seeking approval to build a few cabin rental units. He already has 2 of them existing on his property. He has an approved permit from the health department with his proposed septic tank. He is waiting for the septic line to be ran and then he will add water to the 2 established cabins.  Commissioner Lee informed the commissioners that Mystic Hot Springs already has a larger water meter that services all the facilities on the property but M[1]ike will need to buy one more water meter to supply water to the proposed cabins. A question was asked if there is enough water pressure to reach the new cabins? Commissioner Lee told the commissioners that there is enough pressure to service them.  Mike wants everything to be geothermania which means there is no burning of any type. All the units will be heated/cooled by the sun and the water. There will be radiant heat in the floorboards that is generated by the natural hot springs. The two units that he has right now are passive solar. Commissioner Northrup asked how the cabins will be accessed? Mike showed them on the proposed map that there are two entries and exits. Commissioner Northrup expressed his concern about being able to get a fire truck and other emergency vehicles to the cabins. Mike replied that he is wanting to make improvements to the roads and parking area to the cabins. He has no issue with making improvements to the roads. Mike informed the commissioners that he would like to get the overall concept plan of his cabins approved first and then build one cabin at a time.  In Mike’s cabin plans, each unit will have its’ own hot tub. Commissioner Lee asked where the outside hot tub will drain to. He doesn’t want to see it drain into the septic tank. Mike informed him that the water will drain back into the hot springs not into the septic. Commissioner Lee noted that he would like to see improvements on the roads with the development of the cabins. Mike was in agreeance and willing to make those improvements.

Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to recommend approval with the condition that Mike Ginsburg makes improvements to the roads that will make his property easily accessible for emergency response vehicles. Seconded by Commissioner Northrup. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

7.            Other Business.

No business was discussed.

8.            Adjournment.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. on January 17th, 2023. Seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned.


JANUARY 17TH, 2023

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