October 18th, 2022

7:00 P.M.

  1. Chairman Bart Lee conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Bart Lee on October 18, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Northrup.



Bart Lee

Gordon Dickinson

Bill Mecham

Greg Northrup

Paula Roberts


Ronald Delgado

Steven Weeks

Janice Weeks

Ron Parsons

Bill James

MaryAnn James

  • Approval of previous meeting minutes held September 20th, 2022.

Commissioner Northrup made the motion to approve the minutes with the stated corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Mecham. All were in favor. Motion Passes 5-0.

  • Citizens comments.

No citizens were present.

  • Single lot split located at 442 S Main Street. Submitted by Ronald Delgado.

Mr. Delgado is here wanting to purchase property from his neighbor that will mainly widen his driveway and give him more turn around footage. Commissioner Lee asked if there are any utility lines running through the piece of property he is wanting to purchase? Mr. Delgado informed the commissioners that there are no utility lines. His main purpose for purchasing the 17’ is to widen his driveway so he doesn’t have to back out onto main street from his driveway. By splitting the lot, it does not cause an illegal lot. The footage he acquires will be combined with his current parcel. No other questions were asked.

 Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

  • Single lot split located at 471 S 300 E. Submitted by Steve and Janice Weeks.

Steve and Janice are here looking to purchase .25 acres from Ronald Parsons. Commissioner Lee again asked if there are any type of utility lines that run specifically on the property they are wanting to split? Ronald told the commissioners that the entire piece is currently just a hay field with no utility lines running anywhere through it. Commissioner Roberts asked why they are wanting to purchase the property? Steve said their main reason is so no one will ever build in front of them. The new footage leaves Ronald Parsons with over an acre of property and adds more to Steve and Janice’s. There will be no illegal lots created by making the lot split. No other questions or comments were made.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council for the single lot split. Seconded by Commissioner Mecham. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

  • Vacation of Cornerstone Minor Subdivision lot #6. Submitted by Bill James.

Mr. James and his neighbor are wanting to purchase lot # 6 from the Cornerstone Minor Subdivision and split the lot to enlarge their current properties. Both of their properties touch lot #6 and by splitting and adding the footage to their properties it would not create any type of illegal lot. Mr. James has been to planning and zoning before with his concept plan and was given direction on how to proceed. He has not changed the presented plan tonight from what he presented at the last meeting he attended. The Commissioners had no questions or comments on the presented plat map.

Commissioner Mecham made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council for the vacation of Cornerstone Minor Subdivision. Seconded by Commissioner Northrup. All were in favor. Motion passes 5-0.

  • Amendment of Green Valley View Subdivision lots #16 & #18. Submitted by Bill James.

Mr. James previously came to planning and zoning to make sure he was following all the necessary steps to do the amendment correctly. His concept plan has not changed from what he presented to the commissioners previously. By amending the subdivision, he is adding footage to himself and his neighbors’ property. The commissioners had no questions or comments regarding the amendment.

Commissioner Mecham made the motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City for the Amendment of Green Valley View Subdivision. Seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion Passes 5-0.

  • Adjournment.
  • Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Northrup. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. 

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