10 2020 Monroe City Library Board Minutes

Monroe City Library Board Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2020

In attendance: Chair Linda Midgley, Board Members Carol Coombs, Dawn Van Nosdol, Library Director Shelly Monroe.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Midgley at 5:17 P.M.

The invocation was given by Board Member Coombs.


Board Member Van Nosdol made a motion to approve the minutes of July 13, 2020 as written. Board Member Coombs seconded the motion. The vote to approve the minutes of July 13, 2020 as written was unanimous.

CARES Grant:

Director Monroe gave an update on the CARES grant, of which $1,140 must be used for Digital Inclusion and COVID-19 supplies before June 30, 2021.

She said half had been spent on COVID supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer, and the WIFI had been extended outside to the park area. Distance learning and ‘hot spots’ that could be checked out were discussed. Board Member Van Nosdol suggested keeping these at certain geographical spots, working with the schools to determine where they would be most helpful for those students who did not have readily available internet access.

Board Member Resignation and Replacement:

Karen Swindle has resigned from the Board. Board Member Van Nosdol said Lori Epling had indicated she would be interested in serving on the Board.

Library Programs:

Director Monroe outlined some possible library programs, including technology help night; using the learning express lab for career resources, GED study and citizenship help; and a Library logo contest. Some classes could begin in January.

Mr. Allen, a high school teacher, has indicated he would like his design class to help with the logo. Having a design contest was discussed.

Monroe City Library Board Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2020 – Page 2

Library Report:

CLEF Grant – Director Monroe said the yearly grant had provided $4600 this year. $4300 had been spent on collection development, and $300 on Story Time, STEM and summer reading programs. Ms. Monroe said she provides information to the CLEF administrators on how the grant is used.

Story Time – Director Monroe reported that Story Time had resumed in September on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Because of COVID, the group had been limited to 10 children and 6 adults and practice social distancing.

Book Sale – The book sale, originally scheduled for July, was canceled due to the COVID outbreak. It is now running through October. The books are kept in the firehouse and patrons can view them after checking in at the library.  Board Member Van Nosdol suggested cataloging the books and putting the list online. Chair Midgley said she would come in Monday to work on cataloging. 

Haunted Library – The library has held a ‘haunted library’ in the basement for several years. One year a ghost story writing contest was held, which worked well. Board member Van Nosdol suggested having the ghost stories told on the library Facebook page. 

Holiday Food Drive – The library holds a food drive through November and December, with library fines forgiven for donations. Working with the schools was discussed. Board Member Van Nosdol said Provo City had held a competition where objects, such as a dragon, were built out of the donated food.

Local History Collection – Director Monroe said she is working on a history of the Literose group, which originally started the library. She also has received some yearbooks, and will encourage other yearbook donations. A community flashback section is also planned for.

Monroe City Library Board Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2020 – Page 3

New Business:

No new business was brought to the attention of the Board.

Next Meeting:

Chair Midgley made a motion that the next meeting be held January 11, 2021 at 5 P.M. Board Member Van Nosdol seconded the motion. The vote to hold the next meeting on January 11, 2021 was unanimous.


Board Member Van Nosdol made a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:12 P.M.

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