We have some great things happening at the Mountain View Park this spring and summer. Our City employees are busy putting together new bleachers for the soccer fields and tennis courts. Once the ground warms up, they will start installing a couple of small playground items and a new swing set that includes a glider, tire swing, regular swing and infant swings. A new volleyball net was placed at the park and we are working on getting the lighting working so citizens can enjoy volleyball games in the evenings. New picnic benches will be placed at the park for families to be able to get out and enjoy the outdoors.
Some of you may have noticed a new building being built near the tennis courts. This is being built to house the transformer needed to install lights for the soccer field as well as storage rooms for the soccer and tennis teams and storage for lawn mowing equipment for the parks department.
Lots of fun things going on. We will keep you updated on the progress!!
Mountain View Park
Tennis Courts & Soccer Field
We have placed new bleachers at the tennis courts and soccer fields for spectators to enjoy watching the games, as well as installation of a new backboard on the south west side of the tennis courts for players to practice their hitting skills. I want to thank our City employees, Kaycee Roberts, Kaci Anderton, and Shad Lee as well as Dirk Dopp and Kraig Nilsson from the South Sevier Tennis Team for their help with these projects.
These are great additions to our parks and will be a great asset in the community. We encourage you to get out and use them!!

Mountain View Park
Splash Pad
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